Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Castle, Nursery, Prison

I've been back in Grace a little over a week now and what once was my nursery is now becoming my prison as I roam from room to room of my childhood home, sensing my coffee getting colder, sensing my unemployment stretching out.

I did have an interview yesterday, and I will have a second interview with the same company on Friday, but it's a job for the money and no other reason. I've come home to two neurotic dogs, a missing box of books (containing my Austen novels), and a small mountain of mail I've neglected to open in months. Somewhere in there are past due college loan bills.

I need a hobby. I need friends that don't work during the day. I need inspiration, a muse ... preferably naked. If your hobby is being a naked muse for freelancers that need inspiration, call me.

1 comment:

Kneece said...

i could be persuaded toward this hobby. :) try so many great people to meet with hobbies like yours, whatever they may be. also, feel free to call. i know how depressing the job hunt can be. i'm still in it.