Monday, April 27, 2009

The Manny Diaries

I know, I know, it's been weeks since my last post. In the past five weeks, I have managed to find a part time job as a "manny" (male nanny) for a five year old girl in Warren, Rhode Island, two days a week. Spring has come to New England, so we try to spend as much time outside as we can, coloring the pavement with chalk, identifying plants, trees, and insects, and running around the playgrounds of Bristol County. When the weather is not cooperative with these activities, we build forts and play with dolls. I have played "Barbies" more hours this month than I have in my entire life. ... That's not completely true.

When I'm not playing with Barbies, I've been working on the "Little Shop of Horrors" set at Roger Williams University. The set itself is like a life-sized dollhouse, so I had plenty of insight and recommendations on its construction. I attended my first show last night and the production is a theatrical, and technical, success.


Megan aka Mmapula Reamogetse said...

i love this. glad to hear you're settling in there, charm city. keep having fun and enjoy all the spring weather... i'll drink hot chocolate and eat warm things over this side. i look forward to swapping stories about it all.

Skip Potts said...

Ooh that sounds fun, can you be my Manny too, except for the barbies thing, those creep me out. By the way, I have secretly always wanted to be in 'The Little Shop of Horrors' to the point where I thought about organizing a show in Prague.

Cheers buddy.